
Please make sure to back up any of your sounds that you want to
keep before using these files.  Also make sure that you have the
write protection turned OFF on your TX802 since it will reset to
ON when you power off the unit.  This can be found under
System Setup -> prtct -> +/- will change its value.

	This file contains a bank of 32 blank voices for clearing
	out your I bank on the TX802.  The voices are identical 
	to the units "Init" voice but they have had the name 
	removed for better esthetic value. You will need to send
	this twice to clear out the entire I bank as it has 64 
	voice locations broken up into voices 1-32 and 33-64.
	The location of which voice section you replace is set
	under System Setup -> syex -> +/- keys will then switch
	which block will recieve the incoming sysex data.

	This file contains a bank of blank performances for the
	TX802.  These performances are identical to the units 
	"Init" performance with the name removed for better 
	esthetic value.

	This is the reason you probably downloaded this file.
	This is the original factory performance data for the
	TX802.  There are 54 performances.  The remander of them
	are the "Init" performance with the name removed for 
	better esthetic value. These were programmed buy hand and
	tripple checked against the original performance lists
	that came with the TX802.

 1 Hall Orchestra             28 Theme Vibraphone
 2 Reverb Brass               29 Woodwind Quartet
 3 Ensemble 1                 30 Male Vocals
 4 Stereo Electric Piano      31 Harpsichord
 5 Accoustic Guitar           32 Bell Wahh
 6 Jazz Bass/Piano Spt        33 Rock Piano
 7 Live Strings               34 Clock-Works!!!
 8 Percussion Split           35 Detuned Brass
 9 Power Brass Ensemble       36 Electric Piano
10 Spread Piano               37 Orchestral Violins
11 Inside the VLSI.           38 Light Mix' Slow Grow
12 Trumpets                   39 Harp
13 Funkbass/E. Piano Spt      40 Fazz Synthe-Lead
14 Light Chior Whisper        41 Double Deep Clavi
15 Ensemble 2                 42 Organ Choir
16 Strings                    43 Big Chord Elec Piano
17 Funky Clavi                44 Big Chord Orchestra
18 Struck Brass               45 Stereo Tinga-Ling
19 Split Electric Organ       46 Whap-Attack
20 Cellos                     47 Unison Brass
21 Brass Solo                 48 The Milky Way
22 Grand Piano                49 Analog Spread
23 Split Cathedral Org        50 Crazy Caliope
24 12 String Guitar           51 Bell Electric Organ
25 Brass-Band                 52 Elmo Whispers...
26 Harmonium                  53 Bass/ElecBrass Split
27 Magic Marimba              54 Honky Tonk Piano