
                       Blender V2.0
                Not a Number, the Netherlands

--------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION----------------------------------

Blender is a free and fully functional 3D modeling, rendering, animation 
and game creation package for Unix, Windows and BeOS systems. 
Blender is distributed without sources, it is exclusively developed and
maintained by the Dutch company NaN.

This software is free to be applied for any purpose, excluding commercial
distribution. For more about this, read the copyright notice included 
in the download file.

More information about Blender:

- The website

- The beginners page

- The Support Pages

- The frequently asked questions

- Tutorials

  Good tutorials to start with are 'User Interface' and
  'Navigating in 3D Space' and 'The Blender Windows'

- The Blender news-server: to post questions and contact other users

The best resource is of course the printed Blender manual.
This wonderfully designed 340 pages book contains tutorials, examples 
and a complete description of every aspect of the interface. 
You can visit the shop page of the Blender site for more about this.

Thank you for getting Blender, I hope you will enjoy using it.

Ton Roosendaal
Not a Number